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Maps of the river Varene, Lithuania

Maps of the river Varene

Maps and aerial photos of the river Varene. Kayaking, canoeing, rafting, paddling the river Varene. Google maps the river Varene, Lithuania, Alytas county, Alytus and Varena districts, Pivasiunai, Daugai and Varena municipality. Places near the river: village Valkatonys, forest Juncioniu, forest Lacioniu, the pond of Zizma, the lake Niedulis, the lake Svetus, village Vezionys, forest Vezioniu, forest Pamusiu, forest Gudziu, forest Geidukoniu, village Pamusiai, village Pamuseliai, village Kirklionys, village Aleksandrava, village Babriskes, forest Martinavos, forest Gluko, village Glukas, the lake Eserinis, the lake Varenis, the lake Glukas, forest Poligono, forest Lageriai, forest Ezeriuko, the pond of Varena, village Senoji Varėna, Varena town, forest Glebo. Tributaries of the river Varene: the brook Ziegzdupis, the creek Zizma, the river Abista, the river Anykste, the river Niedule, the river Svetus, the river Dusmena, the river Muse, the river Merkys. Points of interest, sightseeings, protected places: Pivasiunai geomorphological reserve, Geidukoniai Telmological Reserve. Places to stay, rural tourism: Campsites: Kayak, canoe, raft rentals: