Upių labirintasKelionės į Gruziją

Maps of the river Barupe, Lithuania

Maps of the river Barupe

Maps of the river Barupe. Kayaking, canoeing, rafting, paddling the river Barupe. Google maps the river Barupe, Lithuania, Kaunas county, Jonava district. Places near the river: village Ziogaiciai, village Savieciai, village Pocunai, village Puzaiciai, forest Puzaiciu, village Pabarupys, village Pamekliai, forest Pasiliu, village Servitgaliai, village Serbinai, village Ansainiai, village Sicioniai, forest Labunavos, village Labunava, the pond of Labunava, the pond of Labunava village, the pond of Urka, village Lineliai, village Kruopiai. Tributaries of the river Barupe: the brook Savyda,the creek Vadava, the river Paparcia, the river Meklupe, the river Liepupe, the river Karklyte, the river Urka. Points of interest, sightseeings, protected places: Barupe hydrological reserve. Places to stay, rural tourism: Campsites: Kayak, canoe, raft rentals: